
Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Florida Adventure - Part II

Another shot of the gorgeous Bette and handsome Rocco. Look at those white marble floors behind Bette. Their home was so beautifully appointed.

We spent most of our time either in the ocean or in their pool. Rocco loves the water and could be coaxed in to take a dip in the pool with us. Bette told me the other day that he's jumping in on his own now when he needs to cool himself off.

When we weren't in the pool or ocean we were on the golf course. All we needed to do was step outside their back gate and we were on the course. They have their own golf cart and Rocco likes to ride along on the seat. He jumped off before I had a chance to take his pix.

This is the course we played, but only for about an hour at a time. It was so hot and humid that we wilted after about that long. But isn't it lush? If your ball goes out of bounds you do not go in after it cuz it's jungle and filled with wild boors, bob cats, snakes and alligators. Below is a shot of one of the ponds on the course that a couple of alligators live in. We went on several hunts around twilight when they come out to feed but we just didn't see any. Maybe that was a good thing LOL

This is the Intracoastal Waterway that separates Hobe Sound where they live from Jupiter Island, one of the richest areas in all the U.S. Tiger Woods is building a home on the island, Jack Nicholas has one there and so does Burt Reynolds. As we drove around the island I couldn't believe how many mansions we saw along with the incredible landscaping surrounding them. It was really something.

After crossing the bridge over the Intracoastal, this is the public beach that we hung out at the most on Jupiter Island. The sky was amazing everyday and the ocean was so different then what I'm used to in So. Ca. It was clean, clear and a gorgeous aqua color, and it even felt different on the skin. It's much saltier and makes your skin feel so soft. It's also easier to swim in, much more calm and gentle without the harsh undertow I'm used to here.

Julie spotted this little guy building his home in the sand. He was so shy and would only come out when he thought we weren't looking, so we had to be very still. The crabs are so much larger in Florida. It was really fun to watch him work and scoop out sand and toss it aside. Here's Jimmy cooling his feet as we were headed back to the car. Because it was so hot there, the sand was scorching. Even though it was so hot, there was always a constant breeze blowing, which was nice.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not surprised that Tiger Woods is building a home on the island. The place is beautiful!
