
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Negative Space Plants - Student Art

These pieces belong to my Beginning 2-D art students and were done during their right brain drawing unit about 3 months ago. Yeah, I know I'm a bit tardy posting them. Oh well! The kids really enjoy this exercise and the pieces are quite striking when done. They select and draw a silhouette then draw a plant right thru it. They use india ink to paint in all the negative space areas that they want to highlight. Click on Negative Space Drawings if you want to see more from last year. The top piece belongs to 8th grader Heather Warner who has done a phenomenal job this year in the art class, and who is also becoming quite a decent watercolor artist. The one below belongs to senior Sonya Liu, who is a gifted artist as well. We have seen quite a few of her pieces this year.

These next 3 pieces are close ups of a few of the cool new ideas some of the kids came up with this year to further distinguish their work. Above senior art student Pankti Patel cuts up a deck of cards to enhance her work and below on the left, senior Edna Wong uses pen and ink to echo lines and fill with text in her positive spaces. Then on the right, one of my newest art super stars, junior Micheal Jo rolled a potato (yes, a potato) in blue tempera paint then rolled that potato across his piece. Wow! What a concept! Next years beginners, take note.

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