
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ceramics II Glazed Wheel Thrown Pots

These beauties are the culmination of a semesters work on the potters wheel by my 2nd year clay students. The first 1/2 of the year was spent handbuilding at an intermediate level, and then this 2nd semester they learned how to throw on the potter's wheel and do more speciality type glazing techniques. They experimented with wax inlay and wax scratch, sponging with wax, oxides and glazes, ceramic pencil, and watercolors for clay. They also used porcelain clay for the first time which was a real treat. They were made to alter a few of their thrown forms, thus the ripped, squished and scalloped edges. The gorgeous pieces above belong to senior Ekta Doshi, and below we have senior Wayne Chen's lovingly crafted pieces.

And above senior Steven Ebalobor shows off his expertise with the glazes. A lot of thought goes into each and every piece Steven makes. You three have been a joy to work with, so easy to teach, such sweet children. Thank you for the tremendous amount of respect that you have shown me everyday. I will miss you greatly.

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