
Friday, May 28, 2010

Kyoung Lee - Student Photographer

One of my favorite things about teaching is discovering the many facets within each of my students. Mostly I know the kids only within the confines of my art classroom, I know how creative they are, what kind of a craftsperson they are, etc., but it's always so much fun to find out about their other interests and talents as well. For instance, I just discovered 2 days ago that senior Kyoung Lee, who I have been teaching 2-d art to for the past 2 years is an incredible photographer. And the only reason I found out is that he was helping another student learn how to use that kid's new, very complicated camera. So after badgering Kyoung with a barrage of questions, I talked him into sending me his site address so I could view his work. After seeing it I felt I needed to showcase some of his work on my blog and give you the address to his site so you can view more of his work. The address is

He shoots a variety of subjects and has a great eye for composition and lighting. These couple that I'm showcasing are some of my favorites off his site.

I asked Kyoung which was his favorite and he said the one above of the Griffith Observatory.

I think of all of them this one of the leaf is a personal favorite. I love how close he is able to shot and how beautifully focused his pieces are.

These are two of Kyoung's good friends as subject matter, both of whom are also my students. Nick Fernando (above) is one of my outstanding clay students this year, and below is Paul Kim, one of my remarkable Beginning 2-D art students whose work I have featured on my blog numerous times. So if you get a chance, take a peek at what Kyoung Lee is looking at through his lens.

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