
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Open House Walls 2009-2010

Another school year is almost at it's end, and I'm always so proud to show off the hard work of my incredible students. So I hope you enjoy the tour. Here a a few of the panels. The wall above (a very difficult space to work with) was put up by seniors Brandon Liao and Marisela Herrarte, and the wall below was hung by seniors Robert Dohring and Marylou Bunn. I like how Robert and Marylou sponged a bit of paint to the top and bottom of the panel, and then did a little paint splatter throughout the middle.

This very dark and difficult corner was artfully arranged by junior Jason Kwon and senior Ashlee Chang. They enjoyed and welcomed the challenge. And below we have the finished panel of seniors Jullian Kho and Kate Lee. I posted a preview of this wall a couple of weeks ago because I was very excited about the hand prints that they stamped onto the background paper. I think both the girls did a fabulous job grouping the art on top of the prints.

Next we have the wall stylings of seniors Kyoung Lee and Hannah Park (above). One of Hannah's signature design trademarks this year has been to drizzle paint down the length of her pieces, and she and Kyoung pulled it off very tastefully on their panel. And lastly, I'm featuring the most difficult wall of all. It not only has a door to contend with, but 2 light switch lines and boxes, as well as wood beneath the plastic wall cover which makes pushing the t-pins in a real pain. Seniors Anne Guu and Sam Chon tackled this wall head on and worked it out! All of you did a fantastic job, thank you for making my room look so gorgeous!

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