
Friday, April 16, 2010

More Springtime in my Garden

This amazing blossom made its appearance for the very first time since my son, Zach, bought this bog specimen over 2 years ago, so it has been a real treat for the two of us. Art Students: notice the complimentary color scheme that goes on in nature. Isn't it fabulous? And down below is another of his plants, this time a star shaped succulent with it's sweet, delicate bloom. Again Art Students for EXTRA CREDIT: what's the name of the color scheme in this blossom below? Write the answer on a small piece of paper with your name and period attached.

Above is a lily plant that my cousin Michelle gave to me when our dear Aunt Elena passed away. She has been gone for over 2 years now, and this plant has bloomed for me each Easter since her passing. And below is an azalea that I planted a couple years ago that I thought was going to perish during our hot summers here in Yorba Linda, but with all the rain we've had this year it seems to be thriving. I love the speckled and striped markings it has.

And this azalea above never lets me down, year after year it has florished in my garden, but I do think it's blooms this year are the best ever. I really loved how these 4 birds of paradise below were grouped in pairs.

And this winter I loaded the garden with several Sweet William plants and they seem to be loving their sunny local. Below is another of my son's cacti, it's a tiny little cactus with these mighty big blooms.

I had basil growing in this pot last summer but it died back and in it's place popped up this stray lobelia. The wind or the birds are possibly responsible for this seed making it into this pot cuz I know I sure didn't plant it! But I'm thrilled it's there.
In the background above are some of my son's cacti and succulent collection, and in the foreground are my baby cybium orchids that my neighbor Becky gave me about 6 years ago.
And finally this last week all my dutch iris opened up. I planted about 3 bulbs over 7 years ago and look at how they've multiplied. The geraniums in the background aren't too shabby either. I'll be moving to a new home in Anaheim Hills at the end of this month, turning it into my studio and living space, and I know I'm going to miss this garden so much. So many life changes for me in these last 2 years since my mom passed away. But I will be taking pieces of all her plants with me, just like she taught me to do.


  1. Love the colors in your garden. Must be quite an amazing sight!! The one in that first photo is one that I'm sure I haven't even seen before...beautiful!!

  2. WOOOAAAH , thats prettyyy coool (=
