
Friday, April 23, 2010

Before and After Portraits

It is always a thrill for me to show these off, my Beginning 2-D Art student's before and after drawings of each other. At the beginning of the drawing unit in November I partner the kids with each other and they take turns drawing each other's profile without any instruction so I can see where their drawing skills are at. Then 2 months later after doing many right brain drawing exercises they draw each other again to see their improvement, and I display their results for Open House. I don't allow the kids to see their before till I hang them for display, so many of them have forgotten how they used to draw and are so excited to see the difference between the two. And it's so much fun for me to see their faces and hear their exclamations the first time they do see their results. Above we have senior Sonya Liu (drawing 8th grader Jarick Simbol) who came to me with some skills in place already but look at where she is now, a remarkable jump in her skill level.

Above we have senior Jeremy Chung drawing senior Heather Shim. Just look at that amazing jump Jeremy made in his skill level! And below we have junior Michael Jo who drew 8th grader Heather Warner, with another tremendous jump. I just want to take the time to thank all the students in my 3rd period class for believing in me and trusting me to take you down this right brain pathway. You all were so cooperative and made the teaching such a joy.
EXTRA CREDIT:on a small piece of paper write your name and period and tell me after you walk in the door on Monday who you think made the biggest improvement in their skill

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