
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring is Here!

After much needed rainfall this season, we are finally starting to warm up, and many of my flowers are in bloom. This is a view of the backyard, you can see how everything has really greened up because of all the rain we've had. My hanging ceramic planters that I've made for demos. in my beginning clay class are really thriving this year with some succulents I planted at the beginning of last summer.

Both my lemon and orange trees have yielded lots of fruit this year, and on the orange tree you can see all the blossoms that will be fruit next winter. I've been eating an orange a day for the last 2 months off this tree. They are so sweet and juicy!

My azaleas aren't as profuse this year as last, I think because I neglected to feed them this year. I hate to fertilize, the hand watering and weeding takes up enough of my free time, but when I do fertilize I like to use bat guano.

This is one of my son's orchid plants that he picked up 3 years ago and this is the second year it has bloomed for him. We should be fertilizing these as well but we don't. We are so bad! Look at how long that stem is below. I just love the little plastic dragonfly clips that come with the plants when you buy them in bloom. They are so cute and they work really well to hold up flyaway hair tendrils at the gym too. LOL Feel real bad about not blogging my camillas this year. They were fabulous, but they are gone now. Maybe I'll get lucky and have a few more stragglers so you can see.

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