
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Open House Wall Preview 2009-2010

I'm really getting excited to show you my students walls they are putting together for their 3rd Quarter Final for Open House. I believe it's an important part of the art curriculum for the students to learn how to display their pieces so I've turned this into an assignment. So this is a small sneak preview of how they are getting started. Finished photos will be posted next week. Above is the combined efforts of junior Jason Kwon and senior Ashlee Chang. And below we have seniors Jullian Kho and Kate Lee's hand prints that will go under the pieces they've chosen for their wall. If you click on Open House Display on right side you can see what these same walls looked like last school year.

1 comment:

  1. I was reading the news last night about Jaime Escalante and thinking about my high school teachers...and then I found this website. Wow Miss Price, your classroom is so alive and your backyard looks straight out of Sunset magazine! Congrats on your award (you deserved it thirty years ago) and hope you have a very special day. =]
