
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ashley Morris - Paper Cloth Fusion - Student Art

Inspired by mixed media artist Kelli Nina Perkins (see Artisits I Follow sidebar) and her book "Stitch Alchemy", Ashley, a junior, and my 4th year 3-d art student, created this extraordinary paper quilt. She spent hours building her stitch papers in all the different colorways that she wanted to use in the finished product, then embellished them with paint, stamping, and so much more. After she was satisfied she sketched out her design and cut out her cloth-paper shapes, stitched them to one another for the background, then cut out her subject and stitched those pieces over top the foundation. As a finishing touch she added seed beads for added interest then bordered piece with a black matt. See close up below which showcases her impeccable craftsmanship. Spectacular work Ashley, I'm so proud of you. Can't wait for Kelli to see it! Sending her an e-mail right now!


  1. this is really must be proud!

  2. Congratulations on finishing your beatuiful quilt Ashley! I adore the shape of your flower and the way it's rushing away, like it's in a big hurry to grow. The colors are fun and I'm glad we get to see a small section up close to enjoy the layering and designs you've got embedded in here. The bright colors look great on the muted background. A really well-designed and inspirational piece. Thanks so much for sharing it!
