
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Appliquilts - Student Art

Trying to find a day with enough time to be able to post all these incredible quilts that my Beginning 3-d class created. Also hoping that they are seen by Quilting Arts Editor Pokey Bolton, so that maybe they could be featured in her magazine. They were based on pieces done by Susan (Lucky) Shie ( and Andrea Stern ( from QA articles that I had seen that had inspired me to teach their style of quiltmaking to my students. See labels on right (click appliquilts) to see the piece I did after I saw the QA article as well as last years pieces that my students did. I had the kids start by tye-dyeing their own back and foreground fabrics, then after units on stitching and embroidery I felt they had the skills necessary to make an applied quilt or Appliquilt as Tonee White coined it in her quiltmaking books years ago. So I hope you love them as much as I do! Starting off with the owl is senior Kevin Ni, look at the close-up to see all his amazing stitch embellishment.

Here we have senior Jenny Dai and her close-up. I think I've probably featured close to everything Jenny has made this year, she is a terrific designer and an impeccable craftswoman.

And of course you have seen everything senior Ashlee Chang has made both this and last year. She is one of my top art students this year, hopefully headed off for a career in the arts.
Her close-ups are ridiculous!
And below Ashlee we have her boyfriend Daniel An's piece, also a senior. They sit next to each other and I do believe inspire and encourage each other to always do their best work.

An here is junior Brittaney Lee, one of my up and coming super stars for next year. Beautiful, sensitive workmanship.

Another up and coming star is junior Hilary Chan (above) who always comes up with outstanding work.
And then there is sophomore Kelsea Lee, who I adore. I'm hoping she will be back for another two years with me. Can you just image her work when she's a senior if she is doing this now?

And one of my all-time favorite students ever, senior Anne Guu, who actually wants to be an art teacher :) YES! Hoping she'll come back and take my place here when I leave in another 6 years. I'm grooming her now.


  1. These are really great. At such a young age creating terrific works of art in cloth. Wow..I am really impressed. Keep up the good work. You must love your job.

  2. These are just wonderful! Thank you, thank you for sharing them but more importantly, for having your students make them in the first place. I have put two daughters through art school but neither have ever been encouraged to do anything with fabric. I'd be interested to know how the students enjoyed it. Did they find it meditative? Or was the work too slow for them? Did they think it was fun? Would any of them like to continue to pursue fiber?

    I definitely think you should send an email to Quilting Arts and bring it to their attention. Today!
