
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pen & Ink Wash Drawings - Student Art

I'm really tardy in showing off these sweet little pieces. They were done in 1st quarter by my 2nd level drawing/painting students. What makes these pieces so remarkable is that they were drawn with only a sharpened dowel dipped in india ink in a modified contour style (see Betty Edward's "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain"). The object of the lesson was to draw from real life and include as many contour edge details as possible. Then the students were required to lay down at least 3 values of ink wash. But this year I made them jump thru one more hoop before I let them be done. They had to also bring in watercolor and collage elements into enhance the piece even further. So these are a few of my favorites. Above we have senior Shabnaz Khandoker who did a great layout design as well as brought in very exciting colors, and below we have senior Brandon Liao's clever composition that contains a lot of wonderful movement.

Above is senior Ashlee Chang who cut out her shells and put them in bas relief back into her background, and below is senior Anne Guu with her playful composition.

And then we have senior Kyoung Lee (one of my favorite students to bug :), and then senior Kate Lee who has not drawn since the 7th grade, look at her go!

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