
Friday, January 15, 2010

7th Grade Art Wheel Collage Boxes - Student Art

These gorgeous collaged boxes belong to my 2nd quarter 7th graders. Within this group I'm finding out that I have many talented future art students. So you guys must come back to me when you get older. Inside these boxes are housed their wire wrapped pendants and their lovely stamped pattern tissue they made to wrap the necklaces in. (See post below this one) In the pix above we have talented artists Kyung Yi and Sharon Oh.

In the photo above are a few more of my favorites that came in. On the left is Benjamin Domae, and the one on the right belongs to Karen Malacon. Then below is a close up of Karen's gorgeous work. Look at all the great overlapping textures she achieved.

In the photo above we have young art star Anna Lee's up close, and below her is a close up of Sharon Oh's. All these kids seem to have an innate sense of design.

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