
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tissue & Paper Collage Portfolios - Student Art

Every couple of years I change up the design idea for my 2-d beginner portfolios. This sun motif idea originated 2 years ago when alumni Regina T. and Kenji Tan both deviated from their rubric and came up with this idea. And it worked out so well last year that I repeated it again this year (look at sidebar under Portfolios and you will see the ones done last year). The students build 2 separate collages on 18" by 24" paper consisting mostly of tissue paper but I also require them to find one other special paper that contains a visually textual element to throw in the mix. So senior Sonya Liu has cut out many special papers that she found in magazines and is now collaging her tissue over top in the piece above. In the work below senior Meliza Panganiban has finished her second collage and is ready for part 2 of the design process.

The pieces above and below (senior Brian Choi and junior Suzanne Kang) are showing how the kids overlap the 2 collages and begin cutting out their sun motif designs. They cut thru both papers at the same time so that the pieces match exactly when they are alternated and glued back together to form the portfolio's outer covers.

The rest are the finished works. After collages are cut up the students are given 2 pieces of cardboard that they glue the pieces down to, alternating the two different collages as they go. The gorgeous piece above belongs to senior Sonya Liu, you saw her begin her paper collage in the first pix. And below is Brian Choi's finished portfolio.

Junior Michael Jo did the striking piece above and below is a close up of junior Kevin Aquilo's portfolio. I love the richness of his design and the photos he incorporated under the tissue.

Above is junior Paul Kim's piece in which he achieved a very high contrast between the 2 collages (exactly what I was hoping for, but very difficult to do), and below is senior Alma Gudino's very complex design.

And last but not least is senior Betty Tong's beautiful work. Great job all of you!

1 comment:

  1. These look incredible! i'm intensely jeolous, their designs and patience are mind boggling. These color variations and craftsmanship are to die for... :)
