
Monday, October 5, 2009

Color Theory - Student Art

This years Beginning 2-d students are coming in with very high skill levels in place (drawing, painting and designing). These are just a sampling of the many wonderful pieces that were turned in recently. Even though we are an academic magnet in our school district, these kids are coming to me with exceptional right brain critical thinking skills, making my job a joy! What is a shame is that many of these kids waited til their senior year to take my class, and now I will not be able to work with them again at a higher level. Oh well, at least they are discovering that they have art in their souls! This top piece was done by senior Alan Tsim.

The above three works were done by seniors Jeremy Chung, Nandini Kannan, and Sonya Liu.

And these last four were created by seniors Edna Wong, Brian Choi, Sarah Lee, and Pankti Patel. And this was just their first assignment, can you image what they are going to do with the rest of the year's assignments. I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Terrific!! The old color wheel certainly has come a long way, hasn't it!
