
Monday, September 21, 2009

Intermediate & Advanced 2-D Art Value Scales- Student Art

Been focusing so much on my 7th graders lately, so now I'd like to show off what my 2nd and 3rd year drawing students are starting off with. They too had to do value scales as a drawing review, but unlike my 7th graders who only had to achieve 5 values of grey, my 2nd year had to get 8 to 10 and my 3rd year had to come up with 13 (which is really hard to do). This top piece was done by 3rd year junior Jason Kwon who has the most beautifully sensitive drawing skills, and the 2 below where done by 2nd year seniors Anne Guu and Kate Lee. I love how Anne brought a little color work into hers and I'm thrilled to have Kate back in the fold. She hasn't been able to fit me into her schedule since she was a 7th grader. Welcome Back Woman! :)


  1. Hi Mrs. Agrums! This is Kristina Le from last year. I love your blog (and follow it religiously) :). Please tell Anne how much I love her piece!

    Hope you're doing well, I'll come visit soon.


  2. hello i am using the value clock drawing for a project for school and i wanted to know how it represents value. Thank you!

  3. Thanks for the inspiration. I have my 9th grade "Everyday" students (Intro) creating drawings of a food they could divide into seven segments to apply their value scales, and added more geometry because they had to learn to use an ellipse, rhombus or trapazoid to make their food item 3D! I'm on Blogger too, but I haven't posted them yet...
