
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Preliminary Scratchbord/Watercolor - Student Art

These sweet little pieces were done by my 2nd year 2-D kids as preliminaries to learn how to work on the scratchboard and for testing out their watercolors over top. I feel like a couple of them are pretty darn cool and should be framed up. I really like the one in the upper left corner done by junior Jullian Kho of the little girl's face, and the one bottom right corner done by senior Brandon Dumais with the high tops walking up the wall. Clever piece Brandon!

This black and white prelim study was also done by Jullian. I really love all the ideas she is testing out. And below is senior Peraya Siriwong's final piece that she turned in for grading. I love this one so much that it made the cut for the District Art Show last month.

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