
Monday, May 4, 2009

Mindy Cho - Student Art

Senior Mindy Cho created this piece for my Intermediate 2-d drawing class during our unit on perspective. The assignment was to build a simple 2-point perspective box construction with an added twist. I always hope for something out of the ordinary and very creative. Well Mindy did not disappoint, she came up with a truly remarkable piece that is headed for the District Art Show in May to compete against the other high schools in our district. I also really like how she framed out her piece. Very unusual and fun!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! Sunday night I sat with my daughter talking about her future. The creative side of it. She had spent the weekend doing fun things instead of just study, she needed it! Dad showed her how to use an soldering iron [spelled right?] and she had a ball, learning how to do something new.

    I mentioned you and your classes and she said she would LOVE to take your class! Or classes, probably. And this lesson would have right up her math-alley! So your blog has reached out and touched another student, imagine that!!!

    {she is going to U of WA in the fall and her dorm choice is between the art and math/engineering buildings. She hopes to absorb all kinds of things! ooo....that sounds illegal...}
