
Monday, April 20, 2009

Before/After Drawings - Student Art

In the drawing portion of my beginning art course, I teach out of Dr. Betty Edwards "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" book and achieve amazing results with my students. I personally was able to take Betty's course when she taught it at CSULB in 1982, and I was shocked at how much my drawing skills improved during the course of her class, and how painless and fun it was. I teach the first half of her book to my beginning students and the second half to my intermediate group. So what you are seeing here in these next few posts are the kid's before instruction drawings of their models on the left, and then mounted to the right are their after instruction drawings done about 2 months later. Depending on how well the student follows directions usually determines how big of a jump they will see at Open House time when I post them side by side for all to view. This first one was done by senior Krystal Rodriguez of 8th grader Kevin Tang. Krystal just won first place in a costume design competition sponsered by CSULB, so congradulations to you woman, you are on your way! Not sure why a couple of these posts have a turquoise tint. Oh well, they kinda look cool like that.

Kristina Le came to me with the strongest drawing skills in the class, and because she works so hard and takes direction so well look at where she is now. Her after drawing of junior Mary Lou Bunn is remarkably realistic and makes her before look pretty weak in comparison. Congrats Kristina for the strongest after in the class. :)

This incredibly realistic after drawing was done by 8th grader Hannah Park of junior Robert Dohring. Hannah came to me with amazing art skills and is one of my top students in the beginning art class. But look where she's at now. Wow, unbelievable, and she's still so young!

This lovely, sensitive after drawing was done by senior Rachel Rilloraza of senior Samantha Bhuiyan. Rachel is drawing so much more realistically now.

This one belongs to junior Andrew Huang and 8th grader David Wang was his model, and as you can see he came to me with some drawing skills already under his belt. But by teaching with Betty Edward's techniques you can improve no matter at what level you began.

I saved the best til last. This is junior Robert Dohring's portrait of 8th grader Hannah Park. I think Robert made the biggest improvement, and it was so exciting when we hung them side by side so he could see for himself. Way to go Robert!

1 comment:

  1. When you teach Dr. Betty Edward's techniques, do you have them do the exact same exercises from her workbook?
