
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Annual Open House Art Show and Sale - Student Art

The room is ready to go with another amazing display of student art for viewing and sale. We have over a 1000 pieces up ready for you to see. Please feel free to drop in at any time during the day from 8 to 3 starting April 20th running thru the first week in May. Open House Nite is on April 22 from 6 to 7:30. Would love for you to come and enjoy what the kids have accomplished this year. So many remarkable pieces. It just gets better every year. And thank you for all your love and support over the years! This piece was done by senior Hannah Chung at the end of last school year when she was in my Beginning 2-d Art class, and was drawn in Elmer's glue and then oil pasteled in after the glue was dry. The students used each other for models and were learning to abstract through exagerationa and distortion. Hannah's model was senior Mindy Cho.


  1. Wow. Maybe you should start an online class! Elmer's glue and pastels...interesting!

  2. Mrs. Agrums! I can't wait to see you & the art pieces this year :) I spent so long looking through your blog, haha. I miss your class. <3
