
Monday, March 9, 2009

Metal/Canvas Journals - Gail Perrone

I recently purchased this fabulous journal from fiber artist Gail Perrone (, and with her permission I'm having my Intermediate 3-D students make one for their current assignment. The kids are loving the assignment, especially working with the rebar from home depot; heating it with a torch to soften the metal so that they can then pound and flatten out the ends on an anvil for a more decorative look. In the third photo below Gail's book are a few of the pieces in progress. The close up belongs to senior Caroline Ma, and then in the 4th shot from top to bottom, left to right are: senior Joanna Han, sophmore Breeana Johng, senior Rikaya Obilo, 8th grader Emmerline Kim, senior Julie Kim, senior Annie Kim, and senior Caroline Ma. Can't wait to post the finished journals!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to have found your blog via a fellow artist whos work I enjoy.
    I was an art teacher myself for quite some time until local school budget cuts finally found me.
    I've since gone in another direction, but teaching will always be my first love.
    I've enjoyed looking over your posts and the lessons you've created. I can only imagine how the kids must enjoy your class.
    I intend to add your blog to my "favorite blogs" list as well.
    Keep up the great work. The next world famous artist could be in your class right now!
