
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Framed Appliquilts - Student Art

So thrilled to finally show off my beginner's finished appliquilts in their paper mache' frames. The kids built their frames from scratch and then paper mached over their cardboard foundations. After a coat of primer they paper collaged then embellished them and put labels and hanging devices on the backside. Look at how beautifully their frames compliment their quilts. From top to bottom, left to right are junior Alma Gudino, 7th grader Andrew Veenstra, seniors Jenny Ham, Emily Choh, Ariel Improta (yes, our drama teacher's daughter), Connie Pae, Ivy Hu and Shabina Toorawa.

A close-up of the pieces so you can see all the handstitching and embellishments. And these are just my beginners! What a lucky woman I am to teach these kids!

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