
Monday, March 2, 2009

3/4 View Watercolors -Student Art

These watercolors were done after the 2nd year 2-D students tried a 3/4 view in graphite first. In this assignment they drew and painted each other with watercolr in 3/4 view. From left to right and top to bottom we have junior Hannah Park painting senior Mindy Cho, senior Amanda Garcia working with senior Brandon Dumais, senior Caroline Ma (who has 3 different art classes with me this year) painting junior Nicholas Francisco, and in a very experimental interpretation junior Jullian Kuo working with junior Philip Hwang . The two bottom pieces were done by alumni. 2007 grad Christie Tseng painted Rodney Uy and 2006 grad Leslie Hwang (who is at Art Center in Pasadena, so proud of you Leslie!) painted herself for our self-portrait unit that comes a little later in the year for my Intermediate 2-D kids. Christie and Leslie's portraits are two of my all time favorite watercolors that have been done for me here.

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