Wednesday, August 31, 2016


As I get older I notice that I like surrounding myself with loving memories.
I was looking at my staff parking sticker in my car the other day and noticing how badly it's aging,
thinking perhaps I need a new one.
It's been hanging from all my cars for 37 years now,
and every couple of years something new,
made or given to me from a student,
or purchased,
 gets added to this memorable clump.

As I was eye-balling it,
 I tried to remember where all the cuteness came from.
Sadly I can't remember them all.
 It kind of started with the patchwork heart
 that class of 2009 Rikaya Obilo sewed and embellished for me.
Then next came the adorable little silver stuffed character 
made for me by Breeana Johng,
 class of 2011.
The troll doll I think I picked up somewhere
(they were my favorites back in the 60's),
and that lovely ceramic bee in porcelain
 was something I added last year from Chemer's Gallery in Tustin.
Also added many years ago,
 after my dear mother passed away from Alzheimer's,
was her "Safe Return" identification bracelet she had worn.
The clump is hanging by a worn leather bracelet my husband made for me when we first met.

Sadly I don't remember who made and gave me the adorable beaded dog & turtle.
And finally,
8th grader Charlotte Park gifted me the scented bumble bee in the transparent bag
last school year.

As I get older I notice that I love surrounding myself with loving memories.

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