Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Ceramic II Babies

Just wanted to give a shout out to my 2nd year ceramics kids who have been working so very hard for me learning how to throw on the potter's wheel.  Don't give up, it's a global skill.  It's supposed to be hard!!!
I also wanted you to see how much fun these kids are having with the clay.  Senior Melissa Garcia has her arms locked around her nude figure sculpture that she has just completed by using a coil building technique.
Above senior Hanna Woo chose for her figure sculpture a sumo wrestler/budda as she calls it.  And below senior David Hyun is just finishing up the chest of his male figure. 
And these last 2 goofballs below are seniors Alyssa Olea and Tiffany Liu.  Both of them are halfway done with their female figures.  The students were allowed to expose their coils and let them show like Tiffany's or they could elect to smooth them over like the other 4 did.  For me it was the joy of working with the clay that I wanted you to see on their faces.  Clay does that to a person, it's extremely tactile and just the act of rolling it around in your hands sends you into right hemisphere, a delightful place to be.  LOL 

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